
Archive for the ‘Promotion Poetry’ Category

Audi Design Award: and the winner is… the Jury!

In Promotion Poetry, Review on 12 January 2008 at 10:21 pm

The winner sculpture of Sandra HuxollAdmittedly it is always complicated to describe more or less abstract objects visually. And it is hard to combine arts and industry. When done so, many people understand the outcome as »design«. So it happened with the Audi design award for the eastern region of Germany where the task was to create a sculpture.

From three design schools – the Hochschule Wismar, the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and the Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau – only 8 concepts participated. A rather small competition. Task was to create a sculpture that is connected to the Corporate Design of Audi. The winner sculpture would be handed out on special occasions of Audi in the eastern region (of Germany – yes it is still in the heads…).

Winner of the competition with a prize money of 2.000 Euros is Sandra Huxoll. Not her fault is the wish-wash statement of the jury: »The design convinced the jury by its modern and at the same time timeless style. The model has a high design Read the rest of this entry »